My Infatuation

I hava friend...
he has an infatuation which turned into an obsession...
he is obsessed with Ryoko Hirosue...

She is a Japanese model/actress who likes to do adorable poses...
i think she is does them really well & she really is very cute...
That is exactly the kind of girl my friend would absolutely die for!
For as long as i can remember, he has her on this laptop wallpaper, his V3x wallpaper & he even has a collection of her work...
He will make a very loyal boyfriend! ;)
Inspired by his dedication i decided to find a girl out there to adore...
Im drawn to a Korean singer/model/actress by the name of Hyori Lee.

Although i feel like this is not my thing...
I shall givit a shot!

But i wont forget my first loves!
Jesus, football & food!

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