Final NZ School Observation

Last week, for 5 days, I was at Tawa College for school obsevations.
My final school observation in NZ.

This time around I decided to proactively interact with students in the classes I observed...
Often helping the teacher with answering questions students had while they were doing exercises as well as positioning myself near students that were being disruptive.
Let me give you some highlights of my week there.

I found a very special disruptive student...
I was following this year 9 class that day & it was a class with hyperactive & noisy students...
Throughout the day, in all the classes, the boys would be noisy & attempt to disrupt the lesson with pointless questions & quarreling with each other...

During one of the last lessons of the day, a Mathematics lesson, I decided to sit beside the noisiest boy.
He was mostly quiet during my stay; which was good. But most surprisingly, when everyone was told to do exercises from a workbook, he finished all of it in half the time everyone else took! And all of his answers were correct! Amazing!

He certainly has potential... I just hope that he realises that before its too late...
Wish him all the best in the future!

taken from

Another interesting story occurred in a year 10 Social Science class...
The teacher had just gone through a test paper that the students had done & was calling out 1 student at a time to his table. He wanted to work out any marking mistakes & then enter the grades into the computer.
I was sitting at the back of the class, working on my school observation report when I saw this boy sitting on the desk of an attractive female classmate.
On the desk, he was holding an imaginary penis with his right hand. He pointed the imaginary penis at her mouth & moved his closed palm back and forth on the imaginary penis as if inviting her to perform fellacio on his imaginary penis. He was enjoying this & smiling at his friends while doing this. She sat there just staring at him not doing anything.

I couldn't just sit & watch something like this happen...
I stood up...
Walked slowly toward the table...
And put my arm around the boy...
Then I asked the young lady, "is this young man bothering you?"
She nodded & said, "yes."
So I asked the young man, "what do you think you should do now?"
He pointed towards his desk...
I smiled & said, "why don't you do that..."
He got off the table & started walking towards his desk...
As he was passing by, I gave him a nice smack in the ass...
Little did I know, the whole class except the teacher was watching our little conversation...
They burst out laughing. Crying, "that's awesome!"
As a result of their noise making, they were grounded for 15 minutes after class...
But for them & for me, it was well worth it.
The boy & I shook hands & reconciled at the end.
I also explained to the teacher what happened.

These school observations gave me a chance to reflect on my personality & find my style of teaching...
I watched different teachers teach in their unique ways...
I watched different students learn in their unique ways...
I watched students react to teachers & I watched teachers react to students...
I learned so much just from watching & thinking how I would do things if I were faced with the same situation...
Last year, I just observed & missed out the whole reflection part...
This year, I am more prepared to do my best...
For the sake of a new generation...

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