Home Sweet Home
This lexical chain has been repeated more times than required but it does retain a very profound truth... I'm a Malaysian born in the city of Kuching in the state of Sarawak. I have just returned from my studies overseas in Wellington, New Zealand. Anywhere in the world, when you meet new people... one of the top 10 questions you will be asked is "where are you from?" besides "what is your name?" & "do you have a quarter?" In New Zealand, I sometimes feel a hint of shame to say, "I'm from Malaysia." Mostly because the enthusiasm shown by the person asking the question will drop sharply after you answer honestly. As if my country was not good enough for him/her. Well, I do feel that my country is not good enough when comparing it to some of the Japanese & Koreans people I meet. Even when I was studying in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, I experienced this... "I like the way you look... Where are you from?" "I'm from Kuch...