Put Your Hands Up If You Hate Bus Rides
taken from motifake.com I hate bus rides... but I'm too much of a beggar to be able to choose something better. Last Thursday, I had the worst bus ride ever from Sibu-Kuching (est 6hrs). Have a read & cringe at the horrors I endured. As I got on the bus & walked down the aisle, I discovered to my great chagrin that I got the back seat. Those of you who have never taken a bus before (rich baskets!) would think that back seats are great because they're wider & they've got a good view. NOT! Seasoned travellers like myself would beg to differ. They actually put FIVE people in the back seat! Talk about invasion of personal space! And let's not discuss personal hygiene & pheromones. I planned to pass the time reading but NOOOOOOOOOOOOO... Why? Because I was seated in the back seat. I totally felt every bump, lump, molehill & pothole on the bloody freaking lousy as road. Imagine trying to read while you're bouncing up & down ...