koko' in Penang

In this world, there are many types of friends.
There are those who cannot keep promises.
There are those who leave you halfway.
Then, there are those who are with you forever.
During my trip to Penang... I experienced all 3.

Nesa, Chee Chee, Shawn & I
Here are some of my best friends in the world.
We make an effort to meet at least once a year. This year, we agreed to meet in Penang in Dec.
Guna, an important part of our group, did not even show up.
Chee Chee & Shawn had to leave on the first night.
Sad sad~~ But thankfully Nesa stayed & showed me around his hometown.
It's just the two of us... as usual.

When you're in Penang, there's really only one thing to do... EAT.
I did plenty of that & also visited the grand Kek Lok Si Temple

Check out the intricate details! Magnificent!
I found Guna & gave him the evil eye.
Pagoda of 10,000 Buddhas + 1 koko'

And now I shall introduce the hawkers & shops I had a good experience with.

Asam Laksa
Asam Laksa @ Ayer Itam Market
After my visit to the temple, we stopped by the nearby market for Penang's world famous Asam Laksa (or Penang Laksa).

Orgasmic Pleasure in a Bowl
The first time I had Asam Laksa, I didn't like it because the sauce was too thick.
This one had its favours just nice & at RM3 a bowl, I was left wanting more!

Pasembur @ Gurney Drive Hawker Centre
I'm a big fan of rojak & the Pasembur is really good in Penang.

Warm Flavoursome Sauce Over a Generous Serving of Salad & Crispy Snacks
The items are fresh & the stall is run by its owner.
You'll hear him banging his cleaver on a chopping board while singing along to the songs from his loud speakers.
RM4.50 (depending on which items you choose)

Tofu Fa
Tofu Fa @ Kampung Benggali
I absolutely love Tofu Fa. Love it to bits!
I love how good it feels in your mouth.
Warm, Soft, Smooth & Sweet.  hmmm~~

White Coloured Comfort (RM0.80)
You can get quality Tofu Fa almost anywhere in Malaysia but I just had to have it in Penang.

Char Kueh Tiaw
Dude, It's Only RM3!!! OMG!!!
The world famous Penang Char Kueh Tiaw.
There are plenty of good ones on the island & the mainland but the awesome ones are slowly disappearing because the grandpas & grandmas decided to retire while their children decided to become doctors or lawyers.

Char Kueh Tiaw @ Lucky Restaurant (Opposite Ananda Bahwan Restaurant)
Here's a good one on the mainland where a grandpa & grandma is still going strong.

Nasi Kandar
Fried Gizzards + Goat Curry + Briyani Rice + Spicy Coconut Chutney (RM10.50)
It started here. The world famous Mamak restaurants started right here in little old Penang & has spread all over the world. Even back to India! WTH!

Where You Tell Them What You Want
Nesa guarantees that any Nasi Kandar you step into in Penang is surely good. I've been to 5 in Penang & they have not disappointed.

Line Clear Nasi Kandar @ Penang Road Alley
Here's a unique Nasi Kandar shop where there is a line 24hrs a day!
It was once a small Nasi Kandar stall in an alley which has expanded throughout the years to occupy the whole alley.
No wonder, coz it serves an awesome Nasi Kandar meal with generous servings!

Meat Jerky
Recognise the Logo from KL?
This popular meat jerky maker from Petaling St has a branch in Butterworth, Penang.
I bought lots of pork jerky for my mom to serve during CNY.
Around RM30 per 300g depending on meat & flavour.

Chinese Biscuits
Living Proof that Good Customer Service Sells
My mother is a big fan of Penang's Chinese biscuits.
There are many stalls all over Penang island & mainland selling these biscuits (produced in Penang's factories).
I bought a whole mother lode of biscuits from this store because they allowed me to taste any biscuit I wanted to before buying.

Here's what I bought:
Dao Sa Pia (Red Bean Filled Biscuits) - RM4.50/box
Beh Teh Soh (Sweet Paste Filled Biscuits) - RM6.50/pack
Pepper Crackers - RM5.50/pack

Pickled Fruits
Lightly Seasoned Pickled Fruits
I've never really liked Pickled Fruits because they are almost always overwhelming in sweetness or sourness.
I found the ones from this shop to be milder & perhaps more suitable for the health conscious.
I got pickled nutmeg + mangoes + dried nutmeg for my mom.

Indian Desserts
Unique & Adorable Kaju Apple Dessert @ Sri Ananda Bahwan

There are about 3 Sri Ananda Bahwan Restaurants in Penang

I really like Indian desserts because they are bursting with flavour. You can find nuts, spices, sugar & ghee jam packed into cute little slices.
Sadly, too many of them are just too sweet & I avoid those like the plague.

I found the Kaju Apples at Sri Ananda Bahwan to be very palatable & mildly sweet. It is very pleasing to the eye too!
If I had a girlfriend, I'd buy her a box for Valentines day.
Chinese girls will love it coz it's so CUTE!!!
Leave me a comment if my tip got you some brownie points with your girl.

Good & Cheap - Perhaps the Best
I wanted the best Indian Dessert shop in Penang & Nesa did some asking around.
We ended up at this shop: Vickram Sweets & Snacks, Market St.
I bought a whole load of desserts & murukku for my Chinese family who otherwise would never have tried any. I got Jaangiri, Halva, Mysore Pak & many others I am unable to name.

Penang is really an awesome place.
I wouldn't mind moving over there for the culture, infrastructure, low-cost of living & awesome food.
It may just be the best place to retire in.

I would like to thank Nesa & Sara for making my stay a memorable one!
Send my regards to your parents too!

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