It's Chinese New Year... Again

It's a never-ending cycle.
Yet we never tire of it & we always look forward to it.
What can I say, it's the holidays & the extra money in those ugly red envelopes.
I love to look at the older generation as they fade into lighter shades of grey & look into their once lively now confused eyes. I find a sense of comfort in their presence. Sometimes I will feel joy, sometimes I will feel deep regret. Both for them & also for myself. They compel me to silently reflect upon my own life.

When you return to your parent's home, you will find them complaining about each other, their children, the rain, the sun or how forgetful they are getting.
Sometimes there will be a showdown between mom & dad. There'd be a yell fest & none would win. Even at this age, I am still disturbed at such occurrences.
Then, you'll hear them calmly agreeing about the store with the cheapest soda or the best brand for almond nuts. They'll do mathematics together & carefully consider each cent together. They may not realise it, but moments when they work together bring a lot of peace to their children.

Holy sheet. I write like a bloody Petronas ad.
Well, my parents & the older generation are why I come home each year & spend my first 2 CNY days with ONLY the family instead of heading of to some faraway land for a vacation or to a friend's place for blackjack.
There's no shame in appreciating the outdated & vintage.
In the midst of my drinking, gambling & cursing my luck, they are always in my heart.
Maybe coz there's no chick there AT THE MOMENT.
sheesh~~ What an obviously horrible way to sell myself. hahaha~~

2011: the Year of the Bunny... hehe~~
Happy New Year, yellow people!

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