I Have A Dream

Everybody who was ever serious & passionate about their work will dream dreams of it.
I've worked in the teaching profession for 3 years & I find a lot of satisfaction in it.
Probably because I work in the interiors & I'm contributing to the welfare of a neglected people.
I also see a lot of dividends from the time & effort I put into it.
I think to myself... this is how it should be.
Teachers should be enabled to focus fully on their school & give their best to their school to see it blossom into something beautiful.

My dream is to teach without the need to supplement my income with tuition or business.
My dream is the administration of the school care for the school & desire to build it up.
My dream is to be released to do even the unorthodox to reach out to the students.
My dream is the students understand that we care for them & accept even our punishments.
My dream is I make a positive difference in the lives of the students I teach.
My dream is to be the best teacher I can be.

Dreamers get disappointed & discouraged if they are not allowed or unable to pursue their dreams.
Sadly, teaching in Malaysia prevents me from achieving some of my dreams. I will share more in another post.

Right now, I want all teachers out there to learn to dream again.
To find a reason to stay up at night & to jump out of bed in the morning.
You are an important part of society & the world needs you to be even more passionate than ever.
Let's not forget the joy that we can bring to both ourselves & the little ones!!

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