What It's Like To Teach In The Interiors

So You Want To Be A Teacher - Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
If you've always wondered what it's like to teach in the interiors do check out a 3 part article I wrote for loyarburok.com
I've always wanted to write about my experiences & take photographs depicting every advantage or disadvantage but I never really got down to do it.
When an acquaintance hooked me up with one of the curators of loyarburok in Sibu & he gave me an assignment to share about teaching in the interiors, I thought that it was a brilliant idea.

At several points I wanted to delay the article because I was preoccupied with school work. More particularly Ketua Waden work. But the curator motivated me & inspired me to get it done.
So I spent 2 weeks reflecting on the article, listing down what to share, wrote it down & took the photographs.
I got teachers & students from my school to appear in the photographs so if I photographed you within the past 2 weeks, you're probably in one of the parts!

Do check my article out & leave a comment!

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