Pertandingan Mencipta Video Merdeka: ICT & Kemerdekaan

Some of you may remember my students & I taking part in last year's Liga Remaja Kreatif competition.
I wrote about it here & here's the video...

We didn't win any award but my students did get an awesome looking certificate + invaluable life experience.
I think it would be great if I were to share the videos from the winners too.

Sarawak #1: SMK Luar Bandar No.1, Sibu - Jalur Lebar Untuk 1 Malaysia

Full list of state winners here (pdf).

Malaysia #1: Sekolah Sultan Alam Shah, Putrajaya - Segenggam Janji Seerat Ikatan

Malaysia #2: SMK Pokok Sena, Kedah - Evolusi
Unable to find video on the Internet.

Malaysia #3: SMK Taman Selesa Jaya 2, Johore - Hikayat Kampung Mega Jaya

Anugerah Khas Juri: SM Pendidikan Khas Vokasional Shah Alam, Selangor - Jalur Istimewa

I honestly think that they all deserved to win. They had really meaningful/creative videos. I've learned a lot from watching theirs & I hope to produce an even better video this year.

This year there's a new competition: Pertandingan Mencipta Video Merdeka bertemakan "ICT & Kemerdekaan". You can check out the details here.
This is going to be challenging because the whole theme leaves me at a blank. However, this does open up a lot of room for my students to give me a unique view from the children of a forgotten people.

I'm going to assemble my key students & we are going to come up with something great!
See you in 2 month's time!

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