Migraine Management Tips From Daddie
Last week, I wrote about the migraine attack I had & immediately after reading it, my father sent me a useful email with tips on how to manage migraines. It's unorthodox so be ready for some simple but surprising reactions to these... During Migraine Pain: taken from yogajournal.com To relieve the pain, use right finger to block right nostril and breathe normally through left nose until clear. Search for a pressure point by pressing around the line separating the upper and lower arm near to the elbow. Either arm will do. It hurts the most when pressed. Massage/press it until pain subsides. Migraine Prevention: It's more complicated than it looks. Want instructions? =) Holding a Qi Gong Ma Pu stance for at least 30mins every day. Also good for every day health/exercise substitute. Stay away from direct aircon or fan blowing on your body especially the head. The most common cause of migraine is direct blow of aircon, fan or window breeze during slee...