WTH?! Google Disabled My Account Last Night!!!
After getting back from a party with a few colleagues late last night, I sat on my hotel desk & looked up a few blogs I loaded up earlier. I proceeded to comment on one of them and guess what I found out? Google bloody disabled my ahkamkoko account! If you checked out my blog today, you would have received a "Server Not Found" error. WTH?!!! taken from videogamerrob.wordpress.com This bird totally gets how I feel. I had a lot of Carlsberg last night (FOR FREE!!! I've got great friends.) but I was able to muster every last neuron in my brain to stare through the haze & focus on the few words that matter: 'click here to contact us'. I filled in a form where I had to fill in my google email, a contact email & a short description of what happened. I was mentally flabbergasted so I struggled in 3 sentences expressing my confusion at what happened & told them about this blog that I loved so much of which I have been actively maintaining for 6...