My Beliefs In Developing Students For High-Stakes Exams
When I look back upon the year, I'd stay that beyond my duties as a chief warden, I played a very large part in shaping this year's PMR students. Close inspection of my methods reveals my underlying beliefs in developing these students to face high-stakes examinations. Méthode #1: Year-long Brainwashing Need I say more? Many administrators & teachers think that one hit wonders like Motivation Camps or Guru Pakar Lectures are good enough to motivate or push students to do better. These programmes are great & they do provide a short-term injection of enthusiasm. However, I do feel like an ongoing programme throughout the year would be more effective . It's human nature to procrastinate & this is especially rampant in today's microwave generation . Humans need reminders & constant engagement to stay focused . With so many subjects & so much to cover, the preparation should actually begin from Day 1, if not earlier. That is what I d...