Burying Love Like My Heart Is A Grave
If you understand the symbolism, you'll understand me. Somebody asked me whether I was hurt before because it seems like I am avoiding or trying not to remember. Sigh... That made me recall memories long buried & left me feeling exposed, reflective & dejected. I'm 28 & I don't have much to show, do I? I don't have a house. I don't have a car. I don't have a family. I don't have a wife. Heck, I don't even have a toy girl. Symbols of a successful man. I have some achievements at work & great friends I can depend on, but when it comes to things that people typically look for, I have nothing to show. Nothing I can be proud of. And yet, should we really be so concerned about what other people think or see? It's true that I have been hurt before. Who hasn't? I guess it's true too that I am avoiding love. Since my last relationship 3 years ago, I have decided to stop dating. Instead, I poured all my energy, love & ...