Jungle Pedalling Adventures
Close your eyes. Imagine the mist-velveted lush green rainforest in all it's glory. Imagine the air filling your lungs with its crisp, sweet & cool goodness. Imagine the golden glow of the sunrise illuminating the scenery before you as you rush downhill in a blur of speed. One small slip on your mountain bike & you'd fall & risk injuring yourself hours away from help with nothing but a cheap plastic helmet to protect your valuable noodles. But it's worth it. Working in the interiors of Sarawak does have it's moments. Esp if you've got a hot-blood for adventure & the persistence of a hamster on two wheels. After working here for 6 years, I've finally decided to get a set of wheels for early morning rides to Song from my school. Bought a bike in Kuching, had it packed nicely, carried it all the way to the jungle so that it will carry me in return. I'm still considering whether I want to carry it all the way back to Kuching once I transfe...