My #1 Personal Development Tool: The Art of Charm Podcast
Yes, I spend a lot of time on boats just waiting for time to go by. Why not use it to improve myself? How many of us have had teachers who tell us to " do as they say, not as they do "? I've had plenty of those. I've also had teachers who walked the talk. It doesn't take a genius to figure out which ones I respected more & desired to learn more from. Actually, as I was growing up, I've known plenty of adults who were more than willing to dish out advice they do not follow themselves. Everybody does it. Not just teachers. Now that I'm a teacher myself, I do my best to live up to all the expectations & standards I set up for my students. I ensure that I practice my reading, writing, listening & speaking regularly. More importantly, I'm also building my character & my soft skills . Stuff that's not easily measured but is easily discerned by others & especially the more-than-perceptive children in our classrooms. Literacy s...