New 150KVA Generator At Jungle School = 24 hour Electricity

Mechanic & team at work assembling the new generator.
With great pleasure, I would like to announce that there is currently 24 hours of electricity at SMK Katibas!

A brief timeline of events: On 24 April, the sole-functioning generator at my school broke down causing the school to lose both electricity & water supply. 4 weeks later, on 20 May, that generator was overhauled & running again at school supplying 13 hours of electricity. 4 weeks later, on 23 June, the water pump was functioning again supplying river water to the buildings at school twice daily. 3 weeks later, on 15 July, a new 150KVA generator was brought to school & fully functional. Rotating with the current generator, there is now 24 hours of electricity!!!

I would like to express my appreciation to everyone involved in materialising this new generator so quickly. Thank you to the local district education officers, the state education officers, the federal education ministry officers, the assemblymen, & the ministers who made this happen. I may not know who you are or be able to repay your kindness but God knows & He will reward you greatly!

Let's not forget, all of you who helped spread the news to make this a matter of utmost importance. Thank you all so much! God bless you too!

Now, we can catch up with the mountains of clerical paperwork & push harder to achieve our academic goals! The students, teachers & staff can now live in greater comfort too! What a wonderful Hari Raya gift!

An excavator cleared a way from the road on the hill behind the school. Then, it dragged the new generator to school because it was too heavy to carry by boat & lifted by humans. The excavator did most of the grunt work.
At one point, the generator was so heavy it broke one of the planks on the wooden bridge leading to our power plant. They cleared an alternative route, got the generator off the bridge & into the plant.
Photo Credit: Andreavucci Photography, a teacher at my school & an amateur photographer who does events & wedding photography.

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