Dear Rural Secondary Schools in Sarawak, Need A Volunteer SPM BI Speaker?

Dear rural Secondary Schools in Sarawak, do you need an SPM speaker to deliver tips for the BI paper?

I may not be a guru pakar or guru cemerlang, but I have some experience working with rural students & helping them to do better in SPM. Also, I'm willing to COME to you. When I was a teacher at SMK Katibas, it was really difficult for me to find guru pakar/cemerlang/JU/etc who were willing to go all the way into the jungle to deliver talks for my students. If this is also the reality at your school, keep reading. I want to speak at your school!

Honestly, I fully understand why an established English teacher from an urban school wouldn't want to give a talk at my rural school. (1) Our school did not have the means to compensate them fully for their trouble, (2) the commute required an overnight stay at the school, and (3) they had to give up an entire weekend, just for a 2-3 hour talk. Might as well do it at a nearby school. Why go all the way into the jungle? There are plenty of needy kids in the urban areas. Let's not forget family commitments & the genuine need for a teacher to rest.

Being at a rural school usually means that your peers are just as clueless as you are because we're all fresh graduates. That's why I set out to learn from those who were willing to meet & share with me during the weekends/holidays. Thanks to these generous teachers, (like my sifu Arthur Wee, a superb teacher from Sibu who gave me the very slides he used for his own talks,) I was able to bring their knowledge back to my jungle school for my students. As a tribute to their generosity, my deep empathy for the plight of rural teachers, & a strong desire to improve educational outcomes in my Ibu Pertiwiku, I'm dedicating one weekend each year to a needy rural school in Sarawak.

I'm really bogged down with all sorts of duties, so I'm only going to be able to do one workshop this year. I'd like to dedicate this workshop to the most proactive secondary school in Sarawak with the greatest need.

What I'm Offering

1. For students, a 4-hour in-depth workshop session on the English language SPM paper.
2. For teachers, a 4-hour in-depth workshop on grading essays (Paper 1: Section A & B).
All of the above at little to no cost to your school!

Terms & Conditions

1. The school has a compelling need.
Priority will be given to schools with the greatest need, especially one where SPM workshops are rare because of its geographic location & teachers have not had exposure to English language SPM tips. If you've never had a speaker for BI in the past few years, you're going to the top of the VIP list!

2. The workshops must be held on a weekend or school holiday.
This is a passion project. My priority is my current school. I will not disrupt my regular classes or duties. You need to at least be able to get your students back for one weekend or holiday morning for something that will impact them for the rest of their lives. Your English teachers will need to be just as committed as well.

3. The school must be willing to be part of a crowdfunding campaign.
Some school leaders have a problem with negative associations. I get it. If you want my help, someone has got to foot the bill. I have a baby on the way so I am not in a position to foot the bill on my own DG41 salary. I believe Malaysians are very generous & will give what they can towards this project. I will personally run the crowdfunding campaign.

4. The school must be willing to prepare the necessary materials for the workshops.
With my bulging belly, I'm not longer able to bring all the necessary materials to your school. Depending on how well the crowdfunding campaign goes, the school will need to be willing to provide the necessary projectors, microphones, speakers, printouts, photocopies, colored papers, etc & get students to do some pre-workshop homework. A list of the necessary materials will be provided later on.

How To Apply

(1) Go to:
(2) In the comment section of the blog post, paste & fill the following form in either Bahasa Malaysia or English.

HUBUNGI: Cikgu Arif, Pengetua,
NAMA SEKOLAH: SMK Beribu Bintang
LOKASI: Katibas, Song, Kapit
PERJALANAN DARI KUCHING: (1) Penerbangan ke Sibu (RM300)  (2) Taxi ke whaf (RM50)  (3) Express ke Song (RM25)  (4) Bot ke SMK Beribu Bintang (RM50)
SITUASI: (1) Hanya ada 3 orang penceramah SPM dalam 5 tahun kebelakangan ini
(2) Tidak pernah ada penceramah BI
(3) Pencapaian murid sangat rendah dgn kelulusan 20% dan GPS 7.9
(4) Sekolah dalam keadaan daif tanpa air dan elektrik
(5) Hanya 1 orang guru opsyen BI

Applications will be accepted from now until 31 March 2019. After which one school will be selected & contacted for more details before the crowdfunding process begins.
The workshop should be funded by May 2019 & can take place from June 2019 onwards.

Share this with all of the rural secondary school teachers / principals in Sarawak you know!

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