What It's Like To Be A Student In My Online Class

Raya arrived early for me. 😅

Inspired by CikgooTUBE webinars & sharing by Cikgu Hailmi during the MCO, I've decided to take video production more seriously as a learning resource for my students, as well as other students out there who might find it useful. My short-term plans include a video series exploiting my immediate expertise, SPM preparation for Form 5 students.

Please support my YouTube channel by subscribing & clicking the "Bell" button to get notified about new videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjvQxu0frX4Jb9_hpuz7q4w
Sorry about the ugly url. You can clearly tell that I'm just starting out. No unique url... yet.

As a treat, please check out the following video which gives you a glimpse of what it's like to be a student in my online lessons. I guarantee you'll enjoy it!

If you're interested in my online lessons, book a spot on mytuition.live, when it launches in June. I'll be conducting free basic and advanced writing lessons 2-days a week for the entire first month.

If you have questions about how to teach online, go ahead & ask in the comments. I'd be more than glad to share what I know.

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