
Showing posts from October, 2021

Building Vocabulary While Preparing For SPM

SPM preparations begin immediately. My students have less than 4 months before their SPM & many do not have access to tuition or educational support aside from what they get from school. Meanwhile, we need to be cognizant of their mental well-being & ease their return to school. Many admitted to not studying at all during the MCO. I've slowed down the pace in my lessons & avoided putting pressure on my kids. I'm figuring out how to make lessons a little more interactive while adhering to SOPs. Will share my ideas here when I can. Used to be I didn't take photos of my activities. Then, I got accused of not doing HIP because I didn't have "evidence" published on Google Sites for "pemantauan jarak jauh." Still not doing Google Sites, because it's not my job to help the pemantau. It's actually their job to help me, or am I working for communists? I'm already losing my mind trying to impact my kids. If you don't want to help, j...

My Hopes: Speaking Activity Featuring Sticky Notes

What did you do during your first class? First thing I did with my classes is to get them to think forward. I saw a bunch of embarrassed & guilty faces as I walked in. But we don't have time to dwell in the past & how they've made a fool out of me during PdPR. We shared about our hopes & I focused them on the massive mission they had ahead, acing SPM. 1. Give each student a sticky note. 2. Students write down their names & their hopes. 3. After finishing, they paste their hopes on the whiteboard. Follow up: For less proficient students, they just read their friends' hopes & give positive supporting remarks. For more proficient students, they have to ask a question to the classmate, listen to the response, before giving a positive remark.

The Village Idiot Whose Team Won An Award: Teach For Malaysia's Student Leadership Camp

It wasn't easy getting this off the ground. When I first learned about this event, I knew that it would be a golden opportunity for my students as the organizers have an excellent track record & will actually give you funds to run your innovative project. However, every student I pitched from my own classes turned me down. I even reached out to those who did not attend my PdPR. No luck there. Thus, I asked my colleagues for recommendations. Messaged & called each one of those students. Got turned down again & again. Wasted time, money, & ... mostly hope. Even teachers' kids turned me down or worse... didn't pick up/read messages. I wondered if I was actually the village idiot? It was only very close to the closing date that I was able to get 4 students to say yes. So these 4 angels who said yes... they mean so so much to me. During the 4-month long camp, there were plenty of technical issues, data credit habis, laptop rosak, family conflicts, etc. 4 entire S...

Co-opted Into The Kuching Division STU Committee

Really liked what the Sarawak Teachers Union (STU) President, Mr Adam Prakash, & his team have been saying in the press, so I accepted an opportunity to be co-opted into the Kuching division STU committee & attended my first meeting last night. I hope to learn from other the members of the committee & make education better in Sarawak for everyone without excluding the teachers.

Students Participated In Project ID's Young Educator Challenge

Encouraged my students to take up the Project ID Young Educator Challenge & 6 of them actually signed up! Forming 2 teams, they designed a lesson for science & mathematics respectively. I was a little disappointed that they didn't pick English, but I got to let my little ones spread their own wings kan? Kan? 😅 I beamed with pride like a parent during their presentation, so that's what it feels like. They did really well in my eyes, even though none of them qualified for the final 5. They walked away with new skills & new experiences that will benefit them for the rest of their lives & that matters more than winning. Well done, Ivan, Kirtna, Rose, Calvin, Justin, & Jun Heng! I am super proud of you!

Get Your Child From C to A+!

So proud of this boy. From a C to an A+. Went through a lot of struggles & issues to get to where he is in SPM. Most importantly, he was willing to listen, follow, & practice. He is now reaping the fruits of his effort. Praying for his success in life! If you're looking for an English tutor for your secondary-school-aged kids, I only have 2 classes. Book a free trial on

Kisah Benar Guru Bertugas Di PPV

Cikgu pernah ditugaskan sebagai sukarelawan di PPV dalam Christian Ecumenical Center, Kuching, waktu murid cikgu dijadualkan menerima vaksin. Kebetulan cikgu ditugaskan di depan bilik pemberian vaksin demi menyempurnakan proses panggilan. Ini cerita apa yang cikgu nampak waktu tersebut. 👀 1. Terkejut. Cikgu cukup terkejut sebab cikgu nampak setiap staff dalam bilik tersebut tunjuk syringe & terangkan kepada pelajar apa yang mereka akan terima. Cara mereka bercakap pun sangat mesra & professional. Memang tabik hormat la saya dengan staff waktu itu. 👏 2. Di PPV tersebut, vaksin sudah diisi dalam syringe oleh staff lain & dihantar sikit demi sedikit ke setiap bilik vaksin. Jadi tak mungkin akan ada syringe kosong. Kecuali syringe itu sudah cukuk orang lain. 🤮 3. Parents dibenarkan masuk bilik vaksin bersama dengan anak. Rakaman juga dibenarkan & kebanyakkan parents akan ambil video. Suasana meriah macam buat video tiup birthday cake pula. Sebab insiden cucuk kosong berl...