The Village Idiot Whose Team Won An Award: Teach For Malaysia's Student Leadership Camp

It wasn't easy getting this off the ground. When I first learned about this event, I knew that it would be a golden opportunity for my students as the organizers have an excellent track record & will actually give you funds to run your innovative project. However, every student I pitched from my own classes turned me down. I even reached out to those who did not attend my PdPR. No luck there.

Thus, I asked my colleagues for recommendations. Messaged & called each one of those students. Got turned down again & again. Wasted time, money, & ... mostly hope. Even teachers' kids turned me down or worse... didn't pick up/read messages. I wondered if I was actually the village idiot?

It was only very close to the closing date that I was able to get 4 students to say yes. So these 4 angels who said yes... they mean so so much to me.

During the 4-month long camp, there were plenty of technical issues, data credit habis, laptop rosak, family conflicts, etc. 4 entire Saturday mornings (3-hour workshops), & several afternoons & evenings (meetings) were sacrificed to come up with a plan & a pitch.

But, the girls still came out on top & delivered on their assignments. Anyway, they had a great mentor, Aaron, who was super patient & helpful. I hope the execs at Accenture reading this gives him a promotion. You won't regret it.

Before you say cikgu makan gaji buta waktu MCO & add to the online toxicity. Listen to our stories & support our good work. Many of us go above & beyond.

Congratulations to Marsha, Najihah, Adriana, & Hazellyn (The Sarawak Girls) who won the Innovation Award during the Student Leadership Camp organized by Teach For Malaysia & Accenture. They were the only team from East Malaysia & they did really great!

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